
sábado, 7 de junho de 2014

My Little One - Frankie Laine - Piano - n.º 1194

Para comprar através de depósito ou transferência - R$ 12,90
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Titúlar: Pericles Vilela Santos 

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Titular: Pericles Vilela Santos

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Titular: Pericles Vilela Santos

My little one as the years go by
There may be times when your heart will cry
And if your in need of a word of cheer
You can always turn to me

My little one though I love you so
There'll come a day I must let you go
But you'll have my love for eternity
Little one you are everything to me

spoken verse
My darling I love you so much
So much there's nothing in the world nothing that
I wouldn't do for you
And it gives me such a wonderful feeling to know your mine
Fills me with more happiness than I've ever known before
And each night as you slip off to dream land
I thank heaven for giving me you
spoken verse ends

My little one though I love you so
There'll come a day I must let you go
But you'll have my love for eternity
Little one you are everything to me

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